Kyrgyzstan Business Database
SooPage is a professional and free Kyrgyzstan business directory website,We index and show Kyrgyzstan companies detailed information
Looking for a Kyrgyzstan Business? The online business directory lists more than 6443 companies or businesses.
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Kyrgyzstan Companies List
Address:ALA-BUKA (DZHALAL-ABAD REG) , , Tel:22,431 (+996-22,431)
Address:BISHKEK AUEZOV STR., 1/2 , Tel:239,835 (+996-239,835)
Address:OSH KOMSOMOLSKAYA STR., 3 , Tel:23,339 (+996-23,339)
Address:BISHKEK FRUNZE STR., 535 ,
Address:BELOVODSKOE (BISHKEK REG) SOVETSKAYA STR., 389 , V. SADOVOE Tel:23,534 (+996-23,534)
Address:BISHKEK GORKY STR., 1/2 , Tel:432,873 (+996-432,873)
Address:KARAKOL KALININ STR., 120 , Tel:25,165 (+996-25,165)
Address:OSH LESKHOZNAYA STR., 54 , Tel:25,557 (+996-25,557)
Address:BISHKEK DRUZHBA STR., 84 , Tel:445,090 (+996-445,090)
Address:BISHKEK, CHUI AVE., 100 R. 3 , Tel:660142, 662162 (+996-660142, 662162)
Address:LEBEDINOVKA (BISHKEK REG) ALMA-ATINSKAYA STR., 2 , V. LENINSKOE Tel:270892, 270610 (+996-270892, 270610)
Address:ALA-BUKA (DZHALAL-ABAD REG) AVTOBAZNAYA STR., 25 , Tel:21,339 (+996-21,339)
Address:TALAS LENIN STR., 273 , Tel:23,007 (+996-23,007)
Address:BISHKEK OROZBEKOV STR., 11 R. 3 , Tel:265,742 (+996-265,742)
Address:CHOLPON-ATA (ISSYK-KUL REG) SOVETSKAYA STR., 214 , Tel:44,984 (+996-44,984)
Address:KARAKOL KARL LIBKNEKHT STR., 106 , Tel:29,769 (+996-29,769)
Address:DZHALAL-ABAD ERKIN-TOO STR., 36 , Tel:33,978 (+996-33,978)
Address:TOKTOGUL (DZHALAL-ABAD REG) 40 LET KIRGIZII STR., , Tel:21,953 (+996-21,953)
Address:BISHKEK BORODIN STR., 10 , Tel:216,997 (+996-216,997)